Mark up first, then scroll down to play back.
When you drag items (assets) onto the image they will appear here. You can then reposition them as required on your image.
You can add things to things when you see the symbol. When you save your creation, an app. is generated to support your project which you can share.
Drag pointers to reposition.
Search, Locate or Play: Press play to view your application as a presentation. Or search it using keywords.
Each graphic will take you to a dedicated page.
Beta 3: I have added batch image uploads straight into a project so creation is easier than ever, and we have new pointer styles and pointer callibration system to let users pick and choose how to present their mark up.
Beta 2: Key new features are the "play like a video" feature, far better zooming and panning, and the fact that you are building an "app" while dragging tools and 'things' onto graphics. Also, the "library" of tools is constantly being upgraded with users suggestions and requirements.
The onekana™ application can be scaled into your own project or web site either by plugging it into your site as you might a YouTube video, or as a part of a project platform.
Onekana™ was developed originally as a part of a "Global District" project where it was used primarily with the creative mapping tools, festival tools (though any of the uses found here can be used there too).
Now though onekana™ is emerging blinking into the sunlight of its own front end platform, and I think it is a creative tool that you can use for a vast array of potential applications, so please give it a go and contact me with any suggestions or requests.