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YouTube Upload Video 6: marked up content.

Part of 'YouTube - Uploading & Using Video'... View Project


Mark Up 1 to 5 of 5

  • Global District / Onekana
    If you are not already logged in to onekana, or global district (or your web site platform if you are set up with this), log in.
  • Media Dashboard
    Choose the Media Managment link from your onekana menu options.
  • YouTube video link
    Paste the YouTube link into the text box provided.
  • YouTube Option
    Select the YouTube option (the other two are for uploading MP4 video or AAC audio (or MP3)
  • Name
    Give the video a name

Global District / Onekana

If you are not already logged in to onekana, or global district (or your web site platform if you are set up with this), log in.

Media Dashboard

Choose the Media Managment link from your onekana menu options.

YouTube video link

Paste the YouTube link into the text box provided.

YouTube Option

Select the YouTube option (the other two are for uploading MP4 video or AAC audio (or MP3)


Give the video a name


Latest update: 09.02.2018 - Thank you all "feedbackers"...